Rules & Benefits –
- API access to current ‘MASTER DATABASE’, that is well over 10gb+ in size! Collected over 10 years period, from many known and private data sources.
- Weekly & Monthly ‘UPDATE DATABASE’ access, for those who keep uploading, their ‘BAD data’ outputs.
Weekly updates – every Sunday, if there is significant value to exchange, or monthly – every last Sunday.
- A minimum contribution of at least 100k unique qualified quality ‘BAD data’ leads, for entry;
First contribution data, should be any ‘actual BAD’ data available for upload, bigger contribution, means greater benefits!
For ‘Early-Bird Access’ benefits, data must be archived and uploaded in our system, before the end of 15.04.2018.
- Free ‘Data Hygiene Service’ name, surname & social data verification, for TOP contributors;
- TOP & regular contributors will receive detailed data type & source information, instead of general ‘UPDATE DATABASE’ files.
- Access to updated weekly or monthly ‘UPDATE DATABASE’, will be proportionally determined, by each period contributed data percentage and contributors over-all data quality.
- Members who are looking to upload public dumped DB’s data and/or scraped data, data shared on public forums etc., are not welcome and will be detected & removed from system completely, or won’t pass ‘early stage’, in that case detailed data report will be provided, with proper reasoning for exclusion.
- All contributed data is expected to be from – mailing system logs, affiliate network suppression lists, data hygiene services, MX verifications etc.
- Each qualified member is entitled to access ‘Email-list Management Software’, and ‘Data Hygiene Practices Guide’ – offer!
- Any archive format will work for data uploads, but we recommend, using – – .7zip format. To avoid extra costs on Data Cloud Storage, above 2 gigabytes.
- Downloads will be monitored and limited only to qualified participants!
- All approved applicants will receive a unique link for accessing our system, if we detect anomalies in user activity, account and access will be suspended!
- All data upload must include as detailed information on ‘BAD data’ type, age & source etc. relevant information, as possible.
- Level of access to entire data pool will be determined not only by the size of unique contributed data list but also by over-all data quality, after internal manual reviews, that include a vast range of testing methods using existing suppression & valid data sources;
- A fixed service fee, starting from ‘1$ for 1k records’ – for users who are not looking to participate in data exchange, but would like to receive ‘Data Hygiene Service’.
Examples for archiving better quality scores –
If data is suppression files from an affiliate network, you must provide niche or vertical, age, network etc. any relevant information, that is not sensitive;
Avoid uploading merged files;
Provide detailed ‘file names’ and/or ‘Read-me’ information within archive, that indicates ‘BAD data’ type – soft/hard bounce, complainers etc. along with any relevant information. As long as data is uploaded in a single archive, our internal manual process will take care of organizing data.
Keep in mind that access to the entire data pool, is limited and is determined by your contribution size & quality, so don’t hesitate, to take your time to find and upload all ‘BAD data’ that you can get your hands on, before 15.04.2018.
Once first collaborated ‘MASTER DATABASE’ update is distributed, among qualified members – keep uploading, for continued access and Shared Benefits!
Why do we qualify to run such service?
We have been working in data hygiene niche for more then 7 years;
We have been trading & collecting and refining ‘BAD data’, by using many standardized & unique methods;
We have large growing client & contact base in ‘Bulk Mailing’ industry;
We are invested in keeping this service as private and effective, as possible!
First, and upcoming data release notifications, will be posted on this site, in the ‘Database Update Log’, you also will receive ‘Data Cloud Service’ notifications.